Correspondent, Kisumu

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KMFRI to hosts major conference on blue economy in Kisumu

A focal point of discussion will be Climate change and its impact on aquatic ecosystems

ODM MPs demand thorough probe into death of NIS agent

Someone 'healthy and recently promoted does not kill themself'

Nyong'o: Let's emulate SA and adopt parliamentary system

MPs electing the President is better than Kenyan system, he said

Kisumu sickle cell conference adopts progressive resolutions

MoH said they have potential to significantly alleviate disease burden by 2040.

Kisumu unveils model plan to cut sickle cell disease burden

Sickle cell anaemia prevalance in Kenya is estimated at 1-4.5 per cent

MoH unveils strategic policy to combat sickle cell disease

The policy guarantees uniform and standard practice in the management of the disease.

We shall reject Finance Bill's punitive taxes – Wandayi

"We shall say a resounding no and vote no."

Wandayi slams Governor Kahiga over 'reckless remarks'

He said leaders must be responsible and cautious of the statements they make in public.

Kisumu: Police arrest suspect in major phone theft syndicate

The suspect was arrested by police following a tip-off by members of the public

Kisumu disbands Kibuye Market committee, suspends polls

City manager says the decision was made in consultations with Governor Nyong’o to restore order

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