Correspondent, Western Region

BIO: Hilton Otenyo has been a journalist with the Star Publication, based in Kakamega since November 2006. He previously worked with The Standard Group in Kakamega between 1997 and 2003

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Barasa and Oparanya in war of words

Barasa accuses Oparanya of holding night meetings to destabilise his government.

Parliament seeks to stop sale of MP Salasya's car over debt

Court adjudicator Caroline Cheruiyot said the MP had not made any payment.

Governors criticise MPs rejection of increased county share

Council of Governors says lawmakers’ action was insensitive of the needs of counties

Kakamega employees protest delayed NHIF remittances

The county has 7, 600 staff who draws 600 million in salaries

Kakamega steps up floods mitigation measures as three die

Deputy governor Ayub Savula said more than 1,000 households have been affected.

I'll not displace families to extract gold, investor assures residents

He says the company is in the process if establishing a Sh1 billion gold factory in Kakamega

Officials: Kakamega funds depleted, we're relying on state to help flood victims

Executive says some 500 people displaced are living in camp in Likuyani after river Kipsangui burst its banks

Teen pregnancies drop by 38 per cent in Kakamega

Data shows the number of teen pregnancies dropped from 14,768 in 2020 to 9,048 in 2023.

Halt activities until rains subside, Barasa tells gold miners

He says there's a high risk of shafts and quarries collapsing resulting in deaths.

Kakamega issues flooding alert to residents living near rivers

Savula says a dam remains the solution to flooding menace in parts of Kakamega and Busia counties

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