Radio, Print & Digital Reporter

BIO: Multimedia journalist with a penchant for facts - juggling radio, print and digital reporting is a hobby

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[PHOTOS] State House counsel weds in exquisite ceremony

Ceremony attended by several dignitaries including First Lady Rachel Ruto

Chaos as rival UDA supporters clash in South B during polls

Clips shared online showed police whisking away two female poll officials amid the fracas.

Cane farmers should receive bonuses as is with tea – Ruto

Ruto said there was no reason why sugarcane farmers shouldn't be paid bonuses.

UDA grassroots polls to proceed as planned – Elections board

Board chair Mwaura said purported postponment of West Pokot polls is null and void.

Ruto to KDF officers: Think beyond ordinary threats

Ruto said the rise of AI has multiplied digital threats beyond anyone’s imagination.

KWS captures Buffalo that ‘paid visit’ to Isinya village

The animal had strayed into a village near Nkiito Primary School in Isinya, Kajiado county.

Your threats are hot air! Mutahi Kahiga hits back at Malala

Kahiga says such remarks border on infringement on their freedom of speech

Kenyans oppose scrapping of school feeding programme

Treasury had scrapped funding in the proposed 2024-25 budget estimates.

Ruto shows his dance moves during AfDB meeting at KICC

He was joined on stage by AfDB President Akinwumi Adesina in doing a jig.

Unjust global financial fabric overburdening Africa – Ruto

Ruto said African countries are struggling with high financing interest rates.

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