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Mwaura: Farmers incurred Sh3.7bn in losses due to floods

Mwaura says a total of 183,521 acres of farmlands have been affected

This man Harrison Kombe; will he survive this time?

The Magarini MP has been sent back to the ballot after returning from five-year political cold.

Houses for Shimo la Tewa Prison officers 95% complete

The new houses will enable prison officers respond swiftly to emergencies

EU invites Ruto to Russian-Ukraine peace summit in June

Prime CS Musalia Mudavadi said the invitation will be given due consideration

State is committed to tackling youth unemployment – Ruto

He said government is negotiating for more jobs abroad under the export of labour programme.

Mudavadi: Kenya Kwanza wrangles not unique, focus still on

He said the wrangles do not pose any threat to implementation of government agenda.

Mudavadi: We’ll work with US, EU to deal with Houthi rebels

“Kenya has reason to worry if there are disruptions at the Red Sea.”

Violence in Haiti has consequences for Kenya – Mudavadi

He said Kenyans should not think that the state of lawlessness in Haiti has no implications for them.

UDA is too young to start falling apart – Muthama

He asked Kenya Kwanza leaders to avoid attacking each other publicly

Police in Voi arrest man with bhang valued at Sh9.8 million

Police found the drugs in a vehicle fitted with fake number plates

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