Justus Kizito Siboe Makokha

Books/Plays Reviewer

BIO: Dr Makokha teaches Literature and Theatre at Kenyatta University

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13 decades of anticolonial memory

Wanga power was real at the time the Mzungu came to Kenya

Fiction tapped in climate change advocacy

Cli-fi depicts degrading habitat and prompts action to save it

Performing arts through radio on the rise

It is a beacon of infotainment amid sensational talk shows

Folk music and masculinity in Western

Micah Wanyenje is shining as folk songs usher in initiation season

Petals of the Sun: Tribute to the comrades KU lost

The university is grappling with profound sorrow and disbelief

Ode to Peter Amuka, maestro of literary journalism in Kenya

His astuteness as a senior researcher in literature, orature and theatre has always been evident.

Happy Good Friday and death of Lenten tales

There is no love lost when would-be lovers have a fatal embrace

Lent nights and the road to Damascus

Mhesh suffers a moment of weakness at a dim pub in Githurai

Love at a time of Lent

Brothel owner bears the scars of his own romantic pursuits

Lent as a time of rebirth

Booze and bad decisions come home to roost for a strange family

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