[VIDEO] Africa threatens to quit United Nations

Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe with other Heads of State and Government at the start of the official opening ceremony of the 26th Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the African Union in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Photo/Courtesy
Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe with other Heads of State and Government at the start of the official opening ceremony of the 26th Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the African Union in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Photo/Courtesy

Africa has threatened to withdraw from United Nations if reforms are not done in its Security Council to include African states.

Outgoing African Union Chair and President of Zimbabwe Robert Mugabe called for immediate inclusion of two members of the African states in the decision making of

issues relating to peace in the continent

Mugabe pointed out that Africa had remained an artificial member of the council with no representation.

“If the UN and the security council is to survive we must be equal members. They must understand that we as Africans are also human,” he said during the opening ceremony of the

26th Ordinary session on Saturday.

The Security Council consists of 15 members. However, Russia, United Kingdom, France, China, and the United States serve as the body's five permanent members.

“These permanent members can reject any substantive Security Council resolution yet the decisions they are making affect us as a continent. Africa will no longer tolerate denial of rights and treatment in a manner "we regard as not equal," he said.

Mugabe further said Africa, India and china were more populated than the “The people with the pink noses and chins" adding the white come to Africa as NGOs, Spies and even armed gangs.

He said AU has showed its determination to ensure peace and security in the continent by sending troop and peace keepers in different countries.

"The ongoing instability in South Sudan, Libya ,Somalia ,Burundi and DRC is of great concern to the AU, especially the Boko haram and al Shabaab attacks in the area," he said.

Mugabe accused Europe of not having any interest in the Issues affecting Africa, pointing out to the European Union Summit that was slated for June 2015 which he claimed only African leaders showed up.

Speaking during the ceremony, UN Secretary general Ban Ki Moon applauded the efforts of Amison to stabilize the country and support peaceful election

“In the Lake Chad basin I welcome the support for the collaboration between countries affected by Boko haram campaign of terror, “ he added.

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