Police seek politicians, bodyguards’ guns in fatal shooting of man in Thika

Ballistic tests will tell whose gun was used in the fatal shooting

In Summary
  • The team also wants the politicians, bodyguards and other officers who used the weapons, if any to surrender them.
  • During the incident at the site of a proposed market in Kamenu ward, 26-year-old David Nduati was shot dead
Residents scamper for safety after alleged supporters of an MP and MCA clashed in Kiganjo, Kiambu county on May 17, 2024
Residents scamper for safety after alleged supporters of an MP and MCA clashed in Kiganjo, Kiambu county on May 17, 2024

A team of detectives has been set up to investigate the fatal shooting of a man in a violent confrontation between rival groups in Thika, Kiambu County, on Friday evening.

As part of the probe, the team wants all politicians who were present to surrender their licensed weapons for ballistic tests.

The team also wants the politicians, bodyguards and other officers who used the weapons, if any to surrender them.

During the incident at the site of a proposed market in Kamenu ward, 26-year-old David Nduati was shot dead while another man Anthony Kamau, was seriously injured by a bullet that lodged in his chest.

A doctor said the bullet had penetrated the chest cavity and punctured a vital organ.

Plans are underway to transfer him to the Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH).

Spent cartridges collected from the scene, the bullet head in the deceased man’s body and the one lodged in the victim in hospital will help in establishing the one who shot.

Anti-riot police who were sent to the scene say they only used tear gas canisters in dispersing the fighting group.

Lawlessness reigned in Thika Town on Friday May 17, when supporters of are MP Alice Ng’ang’a and those of Kamenu MCA Peter Mburu clashed.

Police suspect one of the MPs present shot indiscriminately at the protestors.

He was among a group of MPs who accompanied Ng’ang’a to the site to launch the construction of a market.

The MPs had been at a different event in the area when they decided to accompany their colleague Nganga to the proposed market site.

However, they found the MCA at the site with a group of locals who had already subdivided the parcel of land in anticipation of ownership of market spaces.

This sparked a violent clash with bullets fired.

Area Assistant County Commissioner Philomena Nzioki was also injured in the melee and treated at Avenue Hospital in Thika and later discharged.

MCA Mburu had on Thursday visited the contested market area and subdivided it into stalls and a bulldozer began clearing the site.

MP Ng’ang’a showed up a day later, on Friday, with a bulldozer accompanied by National Assembly Majority Leader Kimani Ichung’wah.

MP Alice Ng'ang'a had led other MPs including Ichung’wa (Kikuyu), Gabriel Kagombe (Gatundu South), Elijah Njoroge (Gatundu North) and Ngoliba Ward MCA Joachim Njama in launching the market.

Kagombe was captured on video shooting to the air.

Kagombe blamed the local governor for the chaos.

"It is extremely sad that an elected governor can use an MCA to send goons to attack MPs on duty to bring development to the people of Kiambu. It is even worse that I and other residents were injured in the ensuing altercation," Kagombe tweeted a few minutes before 9pm on Friday.

According to the MCA, Kiambu Governor Kimani Wamatangi had set aside Sh50 million for the Kamenu market.

He hence accused the area MP of meddling in county projects.

The investigators said they plan to interrogate all the concerned parties and propose charges against them.

They include the MPs who were at the site amid fears of interference.


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