Kuria disagrees with Gachagua for asking Karua, Kioni to consult him

DP had called on the two to consult him as a senior leader on issues concerning the Mt Kenya region

In Summary

• Kuria said that he does not agree with the approach the second-in-command had taken.

• He went on to state that they were elected to solve people's problems, which are many in Kenya, and that does not mean going to him because he is DP.

Public Service CS Moses Kuria speaks during a briefing at KICC on the issue of doctors strike on April 23, 2024
Public Service CS Moses Kuria speaks during a briefing at KICC on the issue of doctors strike on April 23, 2024
Image: File

Public Service CS Moses Kuria has disagreed with Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua's call to Narc Kenya leader Martha Karua and Jubilee Secretary General Jeremiah Kioni to reach out to him if there are any issues.

Speaking on Citizen TV, Kuria said that he does not agree with the approach the second-in-command had taken.

He went on to state that they were elected to solve people's problems, which are many in Kenya, and that does not mean going to him because he is DP.

The CS added that the solutions to problems facing the country have no designated offices to be forwarded to but need a collective approach.

"I don't agree with him because we were elected by people to solve their issues. If Karua calls me to her house today I'll go or Kioni with respect. They don't have to come to me.

"And solutions of this country have no forwarding address. We need all of us," Kuria said.

In March, Gachagua urged Kioni and Karua to consult with him regarding the planned Limuru III Conference.

The DP stated that he had only learned about the meeting through the media and had not been fully briefed by its organisers.

Asserting his position as a senior politician in the Mount Kenya region, Gachagua emphasized the importance of being informed about matters concerning the region.

He expressed readiness to discuss any issues related to the Mount Kenya region with leaders regardless of their political affiliations.

"I have heard about the Limuru 3 meeting. Both Kioni and Karua haven’t reached out to me as the senior-most politician in the Mount Kenya region," Gachagua said.

"Being the regional leader, it falls upon me to convene such meetings. If they indeed have an agenda, my office doors are open, and they should feel free to reach out." 

He said that if he is well convinced, he will support any meeting that is aimed to bring peace across the Mount Kenya region regardless of political affiliation.

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