Political Reporter

BIO: Luke Awich is a political reporter with passion in covering issues to do with governance, human rights and Devolution matters.

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Locked Fresh power tussle rocks UDA as Ruto men lay siege on Malala

He came under serious onslaught over the status of constituency elections in West Pokot

Ruto says jet cost Sh10m but critics demand full disclosure

Fights off allegations that he splurged Sh200 million on the trip

Implosion in UDA as President's men squabble in public

There has been a smouldering political row between President Ruto's axis and that of Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua.

Locked Why prices of chapati, mandazi are set to rise

Edible Oil manufacturers say they will pass the new cost to consumers.

Crisis as Treasury cuts Helb budget for new students

The budget slash will also see continuing students under the old funding system left out from the critical government ...

Locked Why firebrand Babu is causing jitters within ODM

Outspoken and combative the 34-year-old says he’ll be running for “a top seat”, he’s been campaigning and crowds love ...

Kenyans to compare US, Chinese tech in road contract

The project, conceived under PPP with a US company, will be realised by 2028

Locked State cuts ARVs funding from budget, puts millions at risk

Treasury has failed to factor Sh14.1 billion MoH had requested to procure ARVs

Queries raised over ODM leaders in Ruto US tour

Since 2022 elections, ODM has severally discouraged its members from close dalliance with the President’s Kenya Kwanza

Budget: MPs pitch for Koru/Soin dam to check flooding

The multi-billion project initiated during retired Uhuru's administration has not made much progress

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