Kisumu flood victims benefit from foodstuffs, essential items distribution

Those targeted were flood victims who were living along River Nyando which broke its banks.

In Summary
  • Kisumu County Commissioner Benson Leparmorijo said 40,000 persons have been affected by floods in the county.
  • In the Nyando subcounty, more victims have been affected after River Nyando broke its banks.
SHOFCO team distributing foodstuffs to flood victims at Nyalenda, Kisumu County.
SHOFCO team distributing foodstuffs to flood victims at Nyalenda, Kisumu County.

Flood victims in Kisumu were Thursday handed relief after  Shining Hope for Communities (Shofco) rolled out a mega foodstuffs and essential items distribution exercise.

Shofco Urban Network (SUN) Kisumu County Chairperson Allan Metho said the organisation targeted flood victims who were living along River Nyando which broke its banks.

“We have distributed foodstuffs and blankets to the people of Nyalenda who were affected by floods and those who lived along River Nyando. The floods swept away all their belongings and we are here to stand with them and support them,” Metho said.

He said they will also donate foodstuffs and other essential items to flood victims in Kisumu West, Seme and Nyakach sub-counties.

“We have managed to reach all the locals from five wards in Nyando Sub-county who were affected by the floods. They are grateful for the support that Shofco and its CEO Kennedy Odede have given them,” he stated.

“We also intend to bring them mosquito nets because this is a malaria-prone area.”

Phyllisia Ngasira, one of the donations’ beneficiaries, said she lost all her belongings when River Nyando broke its banks.

“I lost all my belongings including chicken, bedding and even plates. There is nothing I salvaged from the house," Ngasira said.

“Today, we are happy because of the foodstuffs and bedding. I will sleep well today.”

On his part, Jodan Wasonga from Manyatta B Ward said he also lost his belongings and he has been sleeping on the floor in his friend’s house.

“Many of us have been helped. The food distribution has been without bias and we are grateful for that. I’m really happy and thankful for what I have received today,” Wasonga said.

Kisumu County Commissioner Benson Leparmorijo said 40,000 persons have been affected by floods in the county.

In the Nyando subcounty, more victims have been affected after River Nyando broke its banks.

The majority of those displaced are in rescue centres of Kowuor Primary School, and Baptist church Magina camp.

Some of the affected have been integrated with relatives and well-wishers. Leparmorijo said 486 households are currently in rescue centres.

There are 412 households at Kakola in Ombaka while 27 households are at the Education hall within the assistant county commissioner office compound.

At Kochogo camp, there are 27 households and seven households in Wawidhi.

The commissioner said an estimated 4,100 acres of habited and farmed lands have been affected by floods in the county.

Shofco has also been at the forefront of helping flood victims in Nairobi slums including Mathare, Kibera, Korogocho and Mukuru.

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